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Emne Emne: The day the music died - the digital disa (Emne lukket Emne lukket) Indryk indlægOpret nyt emne
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Bruger siden: 31 Marts 2003
Lokalitet: Fyn
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 1499
Sendt: 22 April 2004 kl. 12:49 | IP-adresse registreret  

Har lige modtaget denne "opmuntring" fra en af mine pushere.


Written by Mark Hughes (Website Visitor to Sweet Memories) Recently it was reported that sales of recorded music were at an all time low, and few seem to be able to predict entirely why this might be the case. It is true that many now download it free from the Internet with apparent ease, which may partly explain the reason. It is also true that many youngsters (who are traditionally the mainstay of the record-buying public) now have many other distractions in their lives such as mobile phones and computer games that 20 years ago would not have interfered with their listening to music.

Many youngsters are simply no longer obsessed and excited with music as they were a generation ago, and indeed many are into the artists of yesteryear such as Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Doors and Pink Floyd etc. Why is there also a proliferation of tribute bands covering Bryan Adams and Meat Loaf to Yes and Abba.

Perhaps one reason for these things could be the ubiquitous digitalization of recorded music. Compact discs seemed to be the pinnacle of recorded music when they hit the scene over 20 years ago.

They seem to sound better on first hearing, and the sound is clean,sterile and has no 'clicks' or 'pops'. CDs were more user-friendly than their awkward vinyl counterparts- smaller, taking up less space, playable in the car, ability to plan track order, repeat, program, and of course the music lasted about an hour (more than 20 minutes when you had to change it as with vinyl). CDs seemed to be the answer to the record industry's prayers. Furthermore, it was alleged that they would not degrade and that they were indestructible. However, the music was digitalized and apart from a few technical boffins, those who were not technically minded never had a clue as to what this meant. It was actually sold as a great advancement in recorded music. So, what is it? Well, the sounds of the music are reconstructed out of digital numbers spat out of a digital converter, rather like the microdots of a digital photograph, seemingly a good reproduction of the music.Yet music is not digitalized when heard live from a symphony orchestra, rock band or jazz musician, and was never meant to be. Before digitalization, when music was recorded in analogue fashion, recorded music sounded vibrant, expansive and exciting. Not everyone agrees with this sentiment so maybe it's only those who have a discerning musical ear or those who remember being really stimulated by recorded music before the digital age who see the point. Those below the age of, say 25 would not have grown up with recorded music in this format.

So, maybe it is to do with subtle brain functioning that some can tell there's a difference between CD and vinyl, or to be more precise, between analogue and digital. Or is it due to auditory acuity? Some individuals refute that anyone can tell the difference between the two, yet other people seem to know instinctively which they prefer. I wouldn't say I could tell every time but after several plays I know which recording I am tired of and which I want to hear a hundred times. I have albums of Steely Dan, Chick Corea, Prefab Sprout, Springsteen and Joni Mitchell which I never grow tired of, yet CDs by these same very artists seem dull and tiresome after 4 or 5 plays.

Neil Young describes digitalized music as "sensory deprivation with no titillation ..….. like torture". He has been recording music for over 30 years so is in a good position to judge. Elton John also recognizes the superiority of "analogue" music over the digitalized versions, "having greater emotion". Young states that the age of the CD (digital) will, in the future come to be known as the "dark age" of music.

If digitalization is responsible in part, for the fact that youngsters (and other age groups) feel generally less excited or euphoric about music than youngsters did a generation ago, then it could indirectly be the reason that so few artists and bands are making a profound impact that the rock dinosaurs did, and taking over the mantle of the music giants of yesteryear such as Led Zeppelin, the Who, the Rolling Stones, Genesis and countless others. And is this the reason for the proliferation of tribute bands over the past ten years? Who had ever heard of a tribute band in the 1980s? . What has brought about the upsurge of rap music in the past 10 to 15 years? Could this be due to the fact that the aggression and spirit of the lyrics are more important and make up for the bland digitalized reproduction? Was digitalization partly the raison d'etre for rap? No disrespect to rap artists, but are the quickly rapped words creating the excitement to compensate for the one-dimensional state of digital recordings? What would be better than to hear Tupac, Ice T. or Eminem recorded on analogue? I've no doubt it would sound truly magical.

Simon Cowell said on the Jonathon Ross programme on 6th June 2003 that "there's too much blandness in music nowadays", whilst Jonathonbemoaned that there were too many cover versions. He failed to comment that a great many cover versions seem to derive from the pre- digital era. But why should this be? It cannot be due to a lack of songwriting talent, or that we are in a state of pathological nostalgia. There certainly isn't a lack of talented producers and technological wizardry has never been greater.

I am now as tired of buying CDs as I am of listening to them, and fute that it's because I'm older or don't have the time to devote to listening to music. For one old git like me, digitalization kills music stone dead. It is music with the heart and soul ripped out of it and counter-instinctive. It is genetically-modified music. It is throwaway music for the throwaway age.

Til top Vis SES.'s Profil Søg efter andre indlæg skrevet af SES.
Kjeldsens forbindelser

Bruger siden: 23 Maj 2003
Lokalitet: Østjylland
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 9397
Sendt: 22 April 2004 kl. 12:56 | IP-adresse registreret  

Endnu en gammel mand, der ikke forstår verden er i bevægelse. Det er lidt sørgeligt at de gamle altid tror de har ret, og det var meget bedre dengang.
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Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 19 Oktober 2003
Lokalitet: Aalborg
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 1469
Sendt: 22 April 2004 kl. 13:02 | IP-adresse registreret  


   Der er kun en selvbestaltet profet der til dato har visionen på plads.

                     Groucho  Marx  :

          " sex er kommet for at blive "     

My other toy has tits.
Til top Vis gl.jas's Profil Søg efter andre indlæg skrevet af gl.jas
Kjeldsens forbindelser

Bruger siden: 23 Maj 2003
Lokalitet: Østjylland
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 9397
Sendt: 22 April 2004 kl. 13:09 | IP-adresse registreret  

Der har altid eksisteret tribute bands, eller kopi bands koncentreret omkring en genre.

Min far spillede i det vist nok meget populære "den blå kvartet" tilbage i 60'erne. Tributeband udgiver blot ikke musik og de glemmes derfor hurtigt. Jeg var selv ung i 80'erne og kan da huske flere koncerter med kopi-musik, om det så var decideret tribute, er vel ligemeget.

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Svend P
Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 15 Oktober 2003
Lokalitet: Århus
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 4622
Sendt: 22 April 2004 kl. 15:20 | IP-adresse registreret  

Eller som Sokrates sagde: "På den måde ungdommen opfører sig i dag, vil verden snart ophøre med at bestå!"

(og det er vel at mærke over 2000 år siden han sagde det)

Til top Vis Svend P's Profil Søg efter andre indlæg skrevet af Svend P Besøg Svend P's Websted
Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 07 September 2003
Lokalitet: Øvrige Skandinavien
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 1173
Sendt: 10 Maj 2004 kl. 22:50 | IP-adresse registreret  

Jeg tror nu mere den faldende interesse skyldes konkurrencen fra
andre medier.

I 70'erne hvor jeg voksede op var der 1 tv kanal og 1 radiokanal. Vi
mødtes i pladebutikken og slæbte LP'er hjem. Eller optog fra radioen
på kassettebånd. Jeg har mange gange siddet og lyttet til P3 i en
time spændt ventende på om min ynglingsmelodi mon ville blive
spillet. Med fingeren klar på båndoptageren. Var jeg heldig blev den
spillet - men det var ikke sikkert. Eller gik i biografen. Der var ikke

Nu er der MTV VH-1 ..., SMS'er der skal læses/skrives, komputerspil
,videofilm på vhs/dvd. Og så er der jo lige 30 radio kanaler. Nå ja, og
masser af video og streamet musik på nettet. Og Chatrooms,
Dating.dk ... desuden også lige 3-4 komedieserier man skal se - og
sikkert meget andet jeg har glemt. Nå, ja. TV-sport døgnet rundt.
Håndbold og håndbold og håndbold ...

Det er ikke nemt for cd'en at komme til her. Bøgerne taler vi ikke
om. Om det er godt eller skidt ved jeg ikke.


På den anden side er der jo f.eks. Swan Lee som turde satse. Er
vistnok selvfinancierende på eget pladeselskab og de sælger
knageme også plader - undskyld cd'er :-)

Til top Vis micjac's Profil Søg efter andre indlæg skrevet af micjac
Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 21 December 2003
Lokalitet: Nordjylland
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 2377
Sendt: 10 Maj 2004 kl. 23:01 | IP-adresse registreret  

synes jeg kan huske engang for år tilbage hvor en cd ikke kostede 150 kr  

Men er vel som nævnt en logisk konsekvens af MTV VH1 the voice radio 2 osv osv at unge ik gider købe musik.. på et anlæg til 3 k er der ikke stor forskel på om musikken kommer fra cd eller radio

musikken døde med fødslen af take that..

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Alex E Nielsen
Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 31 Marts 2003
Lokalitet: Sjælland
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 2051
Sendt: 10 Maj 2004 kl. 23:02 | IP-adresse registreret  

gl.jas skrev:


   Der er kun en selvbestaltet profet der til dato har visionen på plads.

                     Groucho  Marx  :

          " sex er kommet for at blive "     

Den gode Groucho Marx sagde også: " Jeg husker tydeligt den første gang jeg havde sex ! - jeg har stadigvæk kvitteringen"

Til top Vis Alex E Nielsen's Profil Søg efter andre indlæg skrevet af Alex E Nielsen Besøg Alex E Nielsen's Websted
Forum Bruger
Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 31 Oktober 2003
Lokalitet: København
Status: Offline
Indlæg: 669
Sendt: 11 Maj 2004 kl. 00:46 | IP-adresse registreret  

SES. skrev:

Har lige modtaget denne "opmuntring" fra en af mine pushere.


Written by Mark Hughes (Website Visitor to Sweet Memories) Recently it was reported that sales of recorded music were at an all time low, and few seem to be able to predict entirely why this might be the case. 

Many youngsters are simply no longer obsessed and excited with music as they were a generation ago, and indeed many are into the artists of yesteryear such as Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Doors and Pink Floyd etc. Why is there also a proliferation of tribute bands covering Bryan Adams and Meat Loaf to Yes and Abba.

Perhaps one reason for these things could be the ubiquitous digitalization of recorded music. Compact discs seemed to be the pinnacle of recorded music when they hit the scene over 20 years ago.

They seem to sound better on first hearing, and the sound is clean,sterile and has no 'clicks' or 'pops'. CDs were more user-friendly than their awkward vinyl counterparts- smaller, taking up less space, playable in the car, ability to plan track order, repeat, program, and of course the music lasted about an hour (more than 20 minutes when you had to change it as with vinyl). CDs seemed to be the answer to the record industry's prayers. Before digitalization, when music was recorded in analogue fashion, recorded music sounded vibrant, expansive and exciting.So, maybe it is to do with subtle brain functioning that some can tell there's a difference between CD and vinyl, or to be more precise, between analogue and digital.

Neil Young describes digitalized music as "sensory deprivation with no titillation ..….. like torture". He has been recording music for over 30 years so is in a good position to judge. Elton John also recognizes the superiority of "analogue" music over the digitalized versions, "having greater emotion". Young states that the age of the CD (digital) will, in the future come to be known as the "dark age" of music.

If digitalization is responsible in part, for the fact that youngsters (and other age groups) feel generally less excited or euphoric about music than youngsters did a generation ago, then it could indirectly be the reason that so few artists and bands are making a profound impact that the rock dinosaurs did, and taking over the mantle of the music giants of yesteryear such as Led Zeppelin, the Who, the Rolling Stones, Genesis and countless others.

I am now as tired of buying CDs as I am of listening to them, and fute that it's because I'm older or don't have the time to devote to listening to music. For one old git like me, digitalization kills music stone dead. It is music with the heart and soul ripped out of it and counter-instinctive. It is genetically-modified music. It is throwaway music for the throwaway age.

Jeg vil lige henvise til en tråd om Taddeo's Digital Antidote. Tony Taddeo mener det samme, som står ovenfor, men påstår, han har en modgift. Jeg har personligt købt et eksemplar og må sige, at det virker. Jeg kan ikke længere høre CD længe ad gangen uden Antidote'n i kæden. Jeg har endda prøvet med flere forskellige CD spillere - og har taget den ud flere gange for at efterprøve, om det var indbildning - hver gang går jeg efter kort tids lytning død på lyden uden. Musikglæden fordufter lige så stille.

Her er tråden:

http://www.hifi4all.dk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9839&PN =2

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity - one lick, and you suck forever..
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